Clouded Yellow, Courtyard Farm, NW Norfolk, August 2009
Hummingbird Hawkmoth, Rosary Cemetery, Norwich, August 2009Been a summer of grabbed moments between work and baby care duties. Despite these restrictions its been a good one for butterflies. Starting with the phenomenal Painted Lady invasion, then an unexpected emergence of Small Tortoiseshells, then in the last couple of weeks I have seen my first Clouded Yellow for a couple of years and added Hummingbird Hawkmoth to both my year list and Rosary Cemetery lists. It just goes to show what you can see when you keep your eyes open.
Emerald Damselfly, Dersingham Bog, NorfolkI managed to get out for a few hours on Sunday and headed for Dersingham Bog with my friend Jim. This wet bowl of heath and bog is managed by Natural England is perhaps best known as the location of the infamous 'Sandringham Harrier' incident a couple of years ago when a couple of Hen Harriers were seen being shot out of the sky. Rather unfortunately this happened at the same time that Prince Harry was out shooting with some chums. You decide whether this was a worrying coincidence, a security lapse with armed criminals loose on the bog, the figment of the wardens imagination or something else.Anyway there was no shooting going on Sunday and we had the Bog pretty much to ourselves. Although quite warm, cloud cover kept the sun from breaking through and this seemed to depress Odo activity. Did see some nice Four Spotted Chasers, Black Tailed Skimmers, Emperor dragonfly's, Black Darters and lots of these little gems Emerald Damselflies.