A little top seven wildlife moments from our recent family holiday in Asturias.
Evening and two Honey Buzzards fly by at eye level, wonderful profile view with lots of lovely plumage detail visible. A brief but classic view and a wonderful moment with nature.
Knowing that there should be raptors somewhere over the distant 'Turbine Ridge' and eventually scoring distant but distinctive views of Griffon's.
The first afternoon butterflying. Warm sunshine, a meadow splashed with purple, yellow, pink white and blue flowers. So much promise and so many Marbled Whites, Clouded Yellows and Meadow Browns.
The first evenings unsuccessful Salamander patrol but the discovery of Glow Worms and churring Nightjars.
A montage memory of rock pools and sea anemones, crabs and shrimps, sandy beaches and jagged rocks, all with our toddlers excited screams and shouts.
Fire Salamanders and then more Fire Salamanders. The relief of finally getting them and then their abundance on that first damp night, followed by time spent photographing them and learning more of their lives by following them on succeeding nights and in chats with our hosts.
West Iberian Painted Frog. The joy of the unexpected. The joy of plunging my hand into a warm, muddy ditch and pulling out a gem of a frog. The rain and wet adding to the experience and then later the buzz of identifying it from photos.
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