Arctic Warbler twitch, Holme Dunes, Norfolk.
Been a busy summer of family activities and work. Although I've spent some time out and about I don't seem to have been able to find the time to keep this blog up to date. I have though kept posting on my Flickr page [see link opposite].
I have manage to get out for a couple of hours at Holme on each of the last two weekends. Last weekend I managed to connect with Red Backed Shrike, Red Necked Phalarope, Barred Warbler and Common Redstart, all in the space of two hours. Today I joined a crowd of birders in the pines searching for the Arctic Warbler that was first trapped and ringed last Monday. My luck was in and I enjoyed several brief but good views of this cracking little bird, my first in the UK since one in Kent about 15 years ago and even better it was my first Norfolk tick in a long time bringing my county list to a modest 269.
With the West Bank path at Titchwell reopening as far as Island Hide today, I'm looking forward to finding an hour away from the family tomorrow afternoon to catch up with some waders.